Personal Teleportation – Whitewater
FeaturedHeader2 Photographer: Meg Kahnle Location: Traveling Mountains - Mixed Media & Acrylic
I am drawn to torn photos, well-loved maps, and inconsequential sticky notes that tell a story of a moment in time past. I have boxes of map collections, folders of photo journals, and notebooks of newspaper and wrappers that in my mind, tell important stories. These tactile mementos are my personal teleportation devices, and if I put the right energy into them, I can transport other people with me. I am an artist, adventurer, rock climber, and blissfully happy person who has found an immeasurable amount of joy in the art of visual story telling. I collect hundreds of photos and memories that often span years if not decades and arrange them on large-scale boards, painting and sculpting one larger universal image over the top that encompasses the essence of the finer detail images. By using my personal collections, online archives, and social media, I am able to collaborate with a wide audience and create more full, robust stories than I could ever create on my own. The inherent beauty in this kind of work is its accessibility, outreach potential, and cultivation of personal connection. My current project with Smith Rock State Park has over 850 community photos as its base and will be sold in early 2016, having 100% of the profits go back to the park. - Meg Kahnle is a world traveler, trained graphic designer, painter, rock climber, and passionate community-oriented artist. To learn more about her current Smith Rock project, check out her website,
MK-2 Photographer: Meg Kahnle Location: Traveling Mountains - Mixed Media & Acrylic
MK-4-scaled Photographer: Meg Kahnle Location: Maitri - Mixed Media & Acrylic
MK-3 Photographer: Meg Kahnle Location: Maitri - Mixed Media & Acrylic
MK-5 Photographer: Meg Kahnle Location: Ten Years Together - Mixed Media & Acrylic